August 29, 2008

Edric's Birthday... and a weekend of clubbin..

After getting out a lil early from work for labor day, I got home and ready for Edric's birthday celebration at Decos. At first we had dinner with my mom at Red Pearl Kitchen

Afterwards, it was off to Deco's to party it up. It was almost like a high school reunion and then some for me. Alot of the peeps I used to party with didn't even know that Edric was my brother. haha.. thats funny.

My bro tore it down.. drunk or not, he as Shane Sparks would say: "RIIIPED IT"

I didn't bring my camera with me.. so I had to steal my brothers LOL.

A lot of the Channel 6 crew came out to celebrate and watch him spin, after the newscast more of them came down, but didnt want to pay the $20 cover so they went to C Lounge, we ended up taking off to meet them, if you've never been to C Lounge.. it is GHETTO! Like bro-man from the fif flo, ghet-toe. Seriously, we got carded, walked down the steps to the basement, and into this dark, HELLA HOT, stank room that was no bigger than my bathroom, walked a few feet, turned around and said "fuck it".

Once we resurfaced, we called them up, and they were at the bitter end. So we cruised out there and checked out the spot. It was more chill there, even the downstairs club had air-conditioning, which was great, but the music was too housey for me.. plus the strobe light was really annoying.. don't you just hate when all they have is a strobe light? its like your stuck in a stop motion video.

We called it early that night (1:30am) since I was taking Stephen paintballing that morning...and needed to rest off a bit of the alcohol.. HAHA.. then later tomorrow night... more drinking... @_@