October 27, 2008

bruised, groggy, slow and probably broke.

After this weekends past events.. this is going to be a hard Monday for me to work.

1. Its Monday.
2. I work night shift today which means I wont be out til 11:30pmish and I have to be at work in the morning the next day. uuuuugh.
3. I got the text message that my phone bill is due.
4. I got a letter that i need to renew my insurance.
5. Still sore in the neck from getting shot 3 times from bonus balls on Saturday's game.
6. Still overall tired from Saturday
7. Still a lil slow from all the drinking on Friday
8. Feeling like a fat ass from eating so much at Ryans house yesterday

It was a fun weekend.. and as soon as i gather all the pictures.. and i think videos.. i'll publish my posts.

Survive your Mondays my friends... i'm sure as shit trying.