December 17, 2008

fast forward a week...

Haven't logged in a while.. There really wasnt much since the last entry..

Nilo had her last day at work, earlier in the week we had lunch with the department at a Persian Place downtown, at the end of the week had drinks at McGregors, and was DD to take all of them home.. BUT.. the light buzz that I had was pretty much wiped when we got to Jureyl's place and learned that his neighbor, literally next door, shot and killed herself.. when we got there, the family was outside and as we walked by them we could feel the cold stares, we knew that they knew we knew what happened.. but I decided to just walk by them and keep to myself.. it was a bit eerie..

Work has been keeping me busy.. I've done a bunch of new holiday promos and prepped up alot of shit for the website for our transfer/redesign.. i'll post them up as I get the final renders ready.

But one thing that keeps me moving along at work is this group I stumbled upon on youtube, they're pretty popular and I just found them.. they are awesome.. Their covers are clean and have a ton of musical composition.. not just a straight play acoustic cover, or strumming through a 4 chord progression.. and it helps the fact that they record decent audio, ain't nothing worse than bad audio to fuck up a video.

Boyce Avenue - (You know how i know your gay?... you listen to coldplay LOL)

Great cover.. check out whos playing the bass drum.

Heres another one that is a personal favorite.. im a big fan of rascall flatts.

And I cant forget their R&B Covers.

Check em out.