June 3, 2009

Games on Demand

Microsoft is offering full retail games ON DEMAND.. is this a good or bad thing?

IMHO, Good for those who never have to wait in line at midnight again for a game.. does that take away from peoples geek cred? (if there's one.. lol) a little.. but in the end, its about getting the game and taking the day off of work to play it for 20+ hours straight.. **Raises hand** which i've done, World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade FML!

Another positive, is you don't have to leave the house... a negative.. you don't have a hard copy of the game.. so what if your 360 Red Rings? (which happens a bit more commonly than you think) are you S.O.L? What kind of insurance do you get on your extensive Downloaded games? Thats the sketchy party for me.. also, unless you upgraded your hard drive to the 120gb HDD you're still stuck with that 8 gigger, and since some games are 3-4gb per DVD disc, you can get 2 games max? Hmm..

It could also mean that 360 is looking to start releasing systems with optimal HDD space for their new On Demand games.. it also looks like this is Microsofts way of killing off the Gamestops/Game Crazys.. cause once you buy the game.. looks like its yours forever.. unless they work out some kind of trade system.. which is probably not gonna happen, since the trade value in a game (at gamestop and such) depends on the demand for the game.. if they dont have stock of it.. price is high.. if they have plenty.. price drops.. since its a digital download.. there is going to be an unlimited supply.. which makes game trading.. impossible.

I, personally won't buy a game on demand until theres some way to backup the data for reinstall (if and or when the system fails)...