September 3, 2009

Edroc's BDay Pt 1 @ 923

Mindzalike Wed's at 923 and since tonight fell on Edric's actual birthday they had a celebration for him at the bar..

(Pics stolen from Big Willie Steez)

Red Velvet Cake!

Ed/Matt + Bottle Service.

Caught up with an old classmate and DJ from back in Junior High School DJ Rampage.. still doing this thing and doing it big. Playtime Attractions represent!

Damn makes me feel flippin old thinking about how long ago we started DJing, Elroy (Rampage) started in Junior High and we started not to soon after that.. in the house tonight was a name I haven't heard of since back in the high school days.. DJ Foreskin was in the building (no pic) but I caught up with him and he remembers the last time we saw each other.. it was at a house party in Southside, it was named "BootyBall" I remember cause the flyer was green and inside each of the letters were pics of booty LOL..

Anywho we (the djs) were stationed in the kitchen and it was blocked off i the rear by a filing cabinet and on the side of us with a desk.. we DJed on the counter and DJ Foreskin was up first. The sink was next to us filled with orange juice and various liquors.. so we doubled up as bartenders/DJs for the night.. people would give us $5 and with that we would grab a red cup.. fill it 3/4 with juice and 1/4 anything else.. i was doing pretty much the opposite.. and people were so drunk they didnt care.

DJs were the only ones allowed in the booth at the time.. and there were the 3 of us for now.. one dude ended up in there and actually doing a line of coke on my chrome plate of my turntable.. hahah wtf?! When the "bouncers" or muscle of the party came in, they noticed that he didnt belong, and stated "if youre not a DJ you gotta get out" the dude was like "nah nah.. im with my homeboy" and put his arm around me.. i tried to tell him he could just chill out there and i'll catch up with him later.. but he started to get pissed like i betrayed him.. and when the bouncers tried to pull him out of the kitchen, he reached behind his back and grabbed his gun, the bouncers immediately grabbed his arm, and the dude shot the ceiling.. not knowing where to run to since we were blocked off all of us immediately dropped to the floor and clung to each other.. and im almost positive I screamed like a girl.. as soon as it was all said and done.. Jimmy (DJ Foreskin) hopped up.. unplugged his headphones and said.. "see ya".. and literrally that was the last time I saw him, up until tonight LOL.. which was at least 15 years ago.. (1995, math?)

From what I heard after they dragged him out is they beat his ass in front of the driveway.. but I cant confirm that.. but the bouncer said I didnt have to worry anymore. Normally I would have left after that.. but they were borrowing one of our Cerwin Vega Speakers, so i had to stay to the end to get those bad boys safely home LOL.. I also remember during clean up all the knocked out bodies on couches floors.. there was even a HUGE blood stain on the wall where some dudes head was getting slammed into for talking trash about southside.. lol.. madness..

That was probably one of the worst experiences of my DJ years to this day.. and probably one of the craziest situations i've ever been in.. its funny how we can look back on it now and laugh.. but i wasn't laughing back then.

Good times... (or not.. lol)