September 11, 2009

New Music... finally.

I havent updated my iPod in months.. i've been getting music and using it solely for Serato.. so I decided to get some new tunes to send to my iPod and iPhone.. Rob has been a big influence on some of the new tunes i've been grooving too lately.. He's a big indie rock kinda guy, which I dig, but when they have influences of electronica and hip hop.. it peaks my interest alot..

So here are a few albums I've had on repeat.. you might want them too.

1. Owl City - Fireflies

I'm a huge fan of The Postal Service.. and at first we thought this was the new PS album, but to our surprise we found this is a whole other group. They got the sound and some truly amazing writing.. I listened to this entire album and this album is great to just chill too.

2. Discovery - Carby (ft Ezra from Vampire Weekend)

This album is pretty funky, some electro influence,some hip ho, some indie rock.. all groovy. If you dig Vampire Weekend.. this group is right on par.

3. Passion Pit - The Reeling

This album by far is one of my favorites to come out since MGMT and Rock Kills Kid.. I love pretty much the entire album.. and this song pretty much kills me every time.. and if you watched the Mark Marcelo Labor Day Mix.. he dropped this..

Rob's been playing this album everytime we carpool to work.. and i've been meaning to get it from him.. finally since I was updating my iPod i decided to just get my copy.. get yours too.. its well worth it!

PS.. this video is frackin-fantastic. The creative direction is mind-blowing.

Theres a few more.. but these are my Top 3 of the week. Enjoy!