September 21, 2009

Vertical Epic

Bought my first Vertical Epic the other day.. Travis our beer guru told us about a Stone Tradition that I was unaware about.. the Vertical Epic is an annual/specialty beer that is brewed every year exactly 1 year and 1 day apart from each other, the idea is to age these beers so that when the last one is released you are to consume these bad boys in its timeline order for an epic tasting like no other.

All the releases are on the aligned dates: 01-01-01 to 12-12-12.. since I just found out about this, the 09-09-09 have been released and i'm sure i can probably find the 08, 07 and maaaybe the 06? but I'm hearing that these guys go up in value fairly quickly.. so if you want to start yours.. pick up your 09 and start from there..

Stone Brewery Vertical Epic