December 1, 2009

Escodido Trail Ride

We've been doing these weekly midnight trail rides in Escondido, which is a great ride for us, ride out into the valley in pitch black darkness and back.. but this week we decided to check out the trail during the day.. see what we are missing when we ride at night.. and I must say.. the scenery is fantastic..

The only hard part about the ride during the day.. is you can actually see how far we are riding, and how much is left.. at night we just ride and ride until we hit a turn and just keep going.. knowing whats ahead of you kinda gives you a better sense of how long you are riding LOL.. I'd rather not know and find out later we rocked out a 12 mile ride..

Either way.. day or night.. im always down for this trail.. even though we got attacked by bats and probably being stalked by coyotes LOL.. I LOVE IT!