December 23, 2009

Holiday Office Prank

Last year Holiday Time we had a mural on the whiteboard of the best rendering of one of our designers, Geoff.. this year on a spur of the moment chat about the OC and how Geoff doesn't like when you call Orange County "The" OC, because you don't say.. im going to The Orange County.. youre just going to Orange County.. anywho.. Judy (our Boss) said they had extra posters for The OC in our prize closet that we can't use.. A. Because The OC is finished.. and B. were not a Fox station anymore.. so we decided to put some use to the posters and prank Geoff.. since he officially used his last sick day of the year.. See what happens when you miss out on work? LOL

The Final Product. This is the result of Stephanie and Myself's own bordem.

I got to wrap the chair.. which was alot harder than it looks.. mind you I SUCK at wrapping gifts let alone a flippin chair.

The G5 tower was a bit tricky.. I had to make sure the wrapping didnt prevent airflow into the computer and over heat it.. so i made the mini vent.. we also made it a point to make sure the logo was very prominent in pretty much ALL the wrappings.

Steph wrapped up all his books and some CDs on his desk.. even his phone! HAHA its the main line to graphics so we taped down the click button on the phone so that it is always hung up.. then she wrapped it.. she even wrapped the cord!! haha yes!

This is his pen tablet.. I even wrapped the pen itself.. I used the Rachel Bilson cleveage.. and put the pen between it.. but it didnt really come out.. lol ah well.. oh and if youre wondering... yes people from the office signed it.. we called it "Geoff's Christmas Card"

I'd say this was a pretty successful prank.. we're not sure if he'll be in on the 24th or not.. but if not.. I guess he'll see it Sunday. HAHAHAHAHAHAH too bad no one will be here to see his reaction..