January 7, 2010

Looking forward to these MOVIES

2010 Has some movies great movies coming up.. that i'm actually excited for!.. Here are a few..

Kick Ass

This BY FAR.. is one of my most anticipated.. I caught a glimpse of the teaser clip a few months back.. and was completely blown away with the performance.. uber violence + witty humor = HELLA FUN.. this is gonna be a fun one to watch!

Youth in Revolt

This has been getting alot of attention lately, and I think it could be on par with a Juno meets Superbad.. he's got a pigeon holed character, but for some reason it works and I actually like it. Plus.. check out that stache bro.. sthuper sthweet.

Shutter Island

District 13 2.. or B13 for you international fans like me. =)

If you like that Parkour style movie.. this is your shit.. hardcore action with VERY minimal story line.. youre more likely to watch this movie for the stunts rather than a compelling plot. Enjoy.. and if you havent seen the first one.. watch it!

I've got a few more on this list.. but only time to post these.. enjoy!

BTW.. The next Karate Kid, Marmaduke, The Spy Next Door, and the Tooth Fairy.. can go straight to DVD hell. **PUKE**