January 25, 2010

"Seduction" @ Red Circle (01-16-10)

What an interesting night. To say the least. First off trying to figure out Red Circle's re-wired setup.. they had the normal club type setup.. 2 Technics, 2 CDJ's, DJM-900.. but it was ALL wired all over the fucking place.. the monitor was plugged into the phono channel in the mixer, turntables (6 feet away from each other) were plugged into booths.. wtf?! its like someone at the end of their last set said fuck it.. and re-wired it so that the next DJ (me) would have to figure it out.. assholes. HAH its like the dude who loosens the cap to a salt shaker at a restaurant.. just to fuck with the other person.

Once the setup was up and going.. it was a great night. I prepped for house/club type music.. but ended up going old school 90s and some top 40 cause thats what the crowd ended up as.

The group came out to support and I thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.

Even though I didnt get to pull out the electro club music I wanted to rock, the crowd was definitely enjoying the throwbacks.. even when my hard drive decided to take a dump and unmount itself.. i did a quick save on vinyl as i got it back on track.. i really need to get this new internal drive in already.