August 8, 2010


On the way out of work I scoped out the Freebie Table at work (we get alot of stuff from guests usually junk.. but not always)

This time around I happened to see a CD, usually its some folk singer or wannabe rapper.. nope not this time.. this time it was a blast from the past.. Rufio!

Its funny cause I was just in a pop-...punk discussion with Geoff the other day.. about how it brought back memories, what we were doing when we heard this group, the fact that we still workout/ride to songs like this to get us amped up.. yada yada good times indeed.

I actually listened to the entire album, and it is pretty much pop-punk goodness.. the sound is still pretty true to the genre, they didnt do a New Found Glory and try and change their sound to a more adult contemporary.. then realize they should just do punk. HAHA

Its actually a pretty good, and if you like old pop punk bands like this.. pick up a copy. Or ask me and I'll send it your way =