July 16, 2011

5 Days til #SDCC (Dr Horrible!)

In exactly 5 days Comic Con will Hit San Diego and Nerds-Geeks-Otaku and a whole bunch of wannabe Geeks are going to invade the Gaslamp District. So to get you in the mood for the amazing geekgasim that is Comic Con.. here is a Geeky video everyday for the next 10 days until Day 0 Preview Night!

Dr Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog.. if you're a fan of Joss Whedon from Angel or Buffy or even the Wildly popular Firefly (most amazing Sci-Fi Series ever) then you might have heard of this Web Series Gem. Neil Patrick Harris (Doogie Howser) and Felicia Day (The Guild) are the stars of this Online Musical..

Dr Horrible wants to join the Evil League of Evil run by Bad Horse.. but to gain membership into the league he must commit a heinous crime. Along the way to commit his crime his love interest from the Laundry store gets in the way and eventually begins to date his arch-nemesis Captain Hammer. Now full of vengeance, Dr Horrible is set to take down Captain Hammer and join the Evil League of Evil!

This 45-Minute 3 Act Web Musical is Brilliant! If you haven't seen it.. I suggest you do.. and join the California Brown Coats Society at this years Sing-Along. We did it 2 years ago and this year at WonderCon in San Francisco.. its super fun.

This song, is the first song in the Show called "Freeze Ray" its a fun little quirky song.. about how he'll use his freeze ray to stop the world for her. LOL

The Dr Horrible Sing Along Blog Sing Along at Comic Con will be on Thursday in Room 6BCF

8:30-10:00 Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog— Sing along with your fellow fans at this screening of the original three acts of Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog hosted by the California Browncoats, complete with callbacks! Dr. Horrible stars Neil Patrick Harris (How I Met Your Mother), Nathan Fillion (Castle, Firefly), and Felicia Day (The Guild) and was written by Joss Whedon, Jed Whedon (Dollhouse), Zack Whedon (Fringe), and Maurissa Tancharoen (Dollhouse). Room 6BCF