March 23, 2011

Philly D vs Chris Brown

First lemme start off by saying.. F*ck Chris Brown.

Guess what douche bag, you beat up a chick (badly too AAAAND a high profile chick) got put on blast since.. and you think your "Fans" (or whatevers left of them) give a shit about your CD? So instead of taking the situation you were put in like an adult, you throw a baby tantrum and possibly a few felonies and now you're back in the spotlight for the exact same reason you wanted to be out of it for.

And then you go and tweet comparing yourself to Charlie Sheen?! Charlie Sheen is crazy cause drugs blew out any brain cells he's got left and causes him to make some piss poor decisions.

YOU, are just a stupid little kid with a violent rage that beats up on women. No drugs involved, just a natural disrespect for Women and Human life.


With that said.. Phillip DeFranco has a daily news vlog usually talking about the day's current events and/or whatever interests him. I love it cause he hits home most of the time, saying what needs to be said, much like the Daily Show without all the skits and in a 5 minute time span.

This PDS was just too good NOT to retweet/reblog.

If you like him, check him out daily:


You have just been Phil'd in.