October 24, 2008

The Return!

...well sorta.

Now that I've finally got some nights and weekends off again, I am looking towards getting back into spinning routinely again. I've guest spun at alot of places, house parties and other low-key type events, but since the CW launch party I've gotten the drive again to start rockin some crowds...

My brother let me know that Point was looking for a Dj to do Decos on the 24th, so I hit him up and asked to see if he's interested, and he got me and my brother on the bill. Julz was free that night so he was able to rep as well.

This is the first major venue i've done in a while and I spent about 2 weeks working a playlist for the gig. I thought I had picked a few classics, and some new school stuff but I think I misread the crowd and they weren't feeling the MGMT and TING TINGS joints i worked in there.. shit i even worked in a killers song.. but once I hit the booty bass section of my set.. thats when I had the crowd.. I was gonna go freestyle, but decided to hit some r&b and hip hop to end off my set. 

All in all I think I did alright, a bunch of my friends from the station were out to see me perform for the first time and I must say I appreciate the support everyone! This was a nice way to break myself back into the scene.. hopefully it will happen more often.

(pics courtesy Edric)

Chris falling after watching some "folks" dance.

Julz rocking the slow jams tonight! (Someone's getting fucked! lol)

EdROC always tearing it up.

My poor attempt on trying to sway the hip-hop only crowd with MGMT. LOL

(pics courtesy of Ryan)

Too much to drink... and we have to be up at 6am to go paintball tomorrow.. lol

Happy birthday Ryan.. even though you spent an hour in the bathroom yacking.