November 29, 2008

Compound Bruises

Woke up at the ass hair of dawn to drive up to Lake Elisnor for some team practice. No I didnt join a team. Ryan and the Ben's are trying out for spots on Team Incorrupt, but with my work schedule and me trying to get back into some activities, paintball included, i dont think I have time to commit to a team. But I am always will to skirmish and play a bit more organized play and run some drills to become a better player.

The Compound is where we practiced.. from what I've heard this is where all the teams go to practice, but since it being Thanksgiving Weekend, no body was there and the field was all ours the entire day.

We ran some basic drills, worked on shooting left handed, everyone got a chance to play all positions, even my fat ass tried to get in on some sliding and playing snake position..

Me+Sliding = Rolling over like a turtle on his back.. and a fucked up knee and sore ass cheek. hahah

Today I got to take out "Doo Doo Brown" my new Fusion 8 after replacing the macro line and regulator, during chrono I broke a ball in my barrel and we found that someone had taken my bolt and reversed it.. so it was chopping paint.. once we reversed it.. all was good in the world.. and i was making it rain!

Towards the end of the day, I decided to brave it up and shoot some shots on the battleground inside the action.. trying to dodge paintballs while protecting my camera and trying to get the shot was a bit challenging but wasn't half bad for my first time out.

Boom! Head shot.

Ryan, Dropping bombs on them hoes!

So our paintball mom, Leia brought her daughter Melina, and decided to take a nap in the car with all the doors open and the radio on.. i'd say we practiced for a good solid 8 hours, and were not sure how long she slept for, but as we were about to leave she turns to start the car.. and choke choke choke..

We spent a good amount of time well into the sunset trying to jump her car.. we tried Breeze's car first but his battery wasnt putting out any power, then we used Ben's performance enhanced battery and we lit up like the 4th of july.

Just in time too.. we had a pretty long drive and we all had Korean BBQ on our mind all day.. WOOOOOO HOOO!