November 21, 2008

Quick Shoot...

Rachel and I planned to do a photoshoot about 2 weeks ago, but due to scheduling conflicts we couldn't do it then. So we planned for today to go out and shoot, I chose the same spot we did the behemoth shoot, I love it, theres so much color and workable background that I had to try a few new things..

I love working with Rachel, shes super cool, and is experienced so there isnt too much to direct her in doing, so I can actually think more about the composition rather than spending valuable time adjusting and readjusting poses.

I told her to wear something "Fall"-type. She has a great personal wardrobe so pretty much any fashion type of clothing I ask for, shes got something readily available, which is nice, and she does her own make-up.. see! you can't ask for a better model LOL!

The shoot was fairly quick, since parking was $8 an hour and I had to be at work for another green screen shoot, we pretty much setup shop at one spot and just fired off as many shots as i can in the time we had left. Here are a few shots, i'm still working on the rest but heres the progress for now:

FYI, I did run a few treatments and made some adjustments in photoshop:

-My normal skin touch up
-Soft light to accent & highlight where I want the focal point to be
-Contrast Bump/Desaturate

And this time around I actually tried something new, the photos at the stairs were very bland, there was so much grey from the stone steps and the wall plus the railings that I needed to add some color to it, so I ran a gradient using colors from the image dark on the bottom to the lighter color on top and that resulted in the redish hue you see on the bottom stairs and the greenish tint in the upper right of the photo.

I'll post the rest on my myspace when I finish going through all the photos.