December 20, 2008


at the Cheetah Girl's concert!

Yes.. the Cheetah Girl's. LOL.

After the Jonas Brothers, Kevin was home for about 2 weeks, only to quit the station and go on tour again, this time with the Cheetah Girl's formerly know as the hit sensation group 3LW from the late 90s. HAHA..

This was the last stop of the tour, Kevin needed me to drive him around while he was here in San Diego, to his storage and such, and he had some extra crew passes so I was able to watch the show from backstage. I'm actually more interested in the inner-workings anyway, and it wasnt much different from our show (production-wise) Just for the fact that they live on the road and every day or so break down and rebuild their entire show. Ahh the life of a roadie.

New Disney rock group KSM Sound checking.

This is inside of kevin's tour bus.. i think it was 13 people in a 12 person bus? lol.. smelled alot like weed.. and if you look behind Kevin coming out of the back room.. there was the source. LOL.

This is Kevin's workplace now. 

They had this tour bus toy that everyone signed who was part of the tour, pretty cool idea except it still had raven simon on it.. i'm not sure if shes still a cheetah girl? whatevs.

Back of the house Audio booth and Lighting.

The stage being built.. the girls actually come down from those chandeliers. Plus I believe its 3 high res screens and a low res screen on the bottom.

Here's the attendance before the Girls came on stage.. apparently from what Kevin says is that its been this way for a lot of the shows..

Well I can now say I've officially watched a Disney Pop Concert.. wait.. should I have said that outloud?