January 28, 2009


This post is dedicated to all you who thought I would never post a decent review HAHAH.

This movie is just too damn good to NOT give it more praise..

If you've seen all the awards shows lately, theres one film thats just sweeping up everything from director of photography, screenplay and even sound design..

Slum-Dog Millionaire.

Directed by Danny Boyle who brought you such movies like: 28 Days later, The Beach, Trainspotting and even the wonderful Sunshine. This by far is his best work to date.

A slum dog kid from Mumbai answers questions all the way to the million dollar question, how? Traumatic life experiences. They way they interweave the game show "present" time to the experience "flashback" is genius. What threw me for a little twist is that the movie has and underlying Love Story.. and that the entire time through his life he has a constant theme, which is to find her.

Brilliant would be an understatement.. I've gotten into a bunch of discussions about this movie and we've found that it actually has ALOT of aspects that appeal to broader audiences, a bit of action, a TON of drama, the romance, the pain.. it all melts into this one beautifully crafted movie..

IMHO, there has not been a movie so gifted that it completely floored me in the last few years.. No Country and there will be blood were decent, but not to this scale.. the level of acting, film direction and overall writing in this movie is off the charts.

This is a MUST SEE movie.. I myself have seen it 3 Times already and each time i get something new.

Hats off to you Mr Danny Boyle.