December 31, 2008

The Shrine..

We in design.. well in this case at the station find humor in a lot of small things.. and sometimes small things snowball into larger very unpredicted things. HAHA.. 

Heres the backstory of the headshot as it came about.. Back in Aug when we converted over to the CW, promotions picked up a whole slew of posters and promotional products for all their shows. One of which was 90210 posters, so originally  I took a picture I had in my library of "could use in the future" photos of friends here at the station.. printed out a picture and taped his head on Ethan's body on the poster.. Well the photo only lasted about a day when Geoff took it down, and he told me it was funny, just need to take a better one instead.. 

Well this day has come.. we finally took the picture to put on the poster.. but when I first printed the was too small.. thus resulting in the headshot type of picture we got here.

I eventually printed out the correct size and put it on the poster, but still kept on to the "headshot" photo. Jokingly Geoff and I had the funny idea to autograph the photo like Johnny cage in mortal kombat.. 

A few days later I thought it would be funny if I posted his picture on our white board.. and just for shits and giggles, I drew a rendition of what I thought the pic would look like.. he saw it and laughed.. "Asshole.." he said.

We left.. and when we came back.. there was 2 more drawings.. @_@ wtf? hahah so I had the bright fucking idea to have everyone who rolls through add their render.. and thats how it started...

This is how it started.. the shirt's eventually became a a running joke of all the bands he likes..

This is how the board looked like before christmas.. I believe we are going to keep this going til the new year, and i'll post the final masterpiece when I get back in.

I think Juryel's looks like Samuel L's "Jules" from Pulp Fiction, Josh's (the buff one) is probably the most disturbing and...

By far, Stephanie has some superior white board drawing skills. 

Its the little things in life that make the days go by faster...