December 30, 2008

Thundercats hoooooo!

This is for all you Old School Thundercats fans.. this is by far the sickest fanmade promo i've ever seen, this is so well done and well thought out.

Can you catch the movies in the promo? Cheryl was the one who originally forwarded this link to me, and when I was at work, she asked if I had seen the link she sent, and we watched it there, I immediately caught the Indiana Jones Last Crusade scene in the beginning, then after watching the rest realized that it wasnt just a single movie, but various well woven movies.

Its fucking brilliant, the amount of time and compositing skill it took to make this piece, believe me I've watched this trailer like 30 times so far and each time I get something new.. 

So far I found:

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
X-Men 3 (is my guess)
Spy Kids
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship
Pitch Black (Dark, iono)
Battlefield Earth (either that or Galaxy Quest not sure, but Battlefield would be better pick cause of how shitty it was LOL)
The Mummy
Planet of the Apes

The motion tracking alone in this promo is fantastic. They composited the faces to near perfection, and the times they used the original soundbite from the movie, just made everything work and contributed to the realness of the trailer. 

Even though most of the clips are less than a few frames long they really took alot of time getting the detail or creating a whole new feel of sci-fi adventure.

Watch it.. over and over.. its fucking amazing.