February 13, 2009


For Ms Angie's birthday we headed out to Bar Basic after work. I've been here once before, and for the 2nd time around it was better, the venue in-itself is great, but its the usual downtown type crowd, where they shove as many people as the place can hold and then add another 100.

The only reason why I had a good time, is because I was with good people. Although I didn't have a drink AT ALL, mainly due to the fact that it would have taken me like 10 minutes to get the bar, then eventually the bartender will get to you and serve you, then you have the daunting task of trying to get your drink back to where your friends are. So I pretty much kept it low BAC, and did the dance circles with everybody.

This is most of the crew that came out tonight... Ch.6 Rolls deep!

Now the music selection was decent, Top 40 a few mashes, but the DJ himself.. was so piss poor at his transitions he pretty much annoyed the shit out of me, and the leymans who were with me, even pointed out to me that he sucked..

Reason is this.. we DJ's have some transition tricks we use when move from one song to the next, granted it differs with each DJ's style, he used a classic snare baby scratch with an echo. This happens at the 7th or 15th beat just before the downbeat on the snare drum the DJ will catch the snare and baby scratch it and fade out the volume, usually in a 4 or 8 count. He did not do this.. he pretty much caught the snare and just scratched it at full volume for anywhere up to a minute even during verses in songs, he just kept on going and going.. holy fuck dude SHUT THE FUCK UP!

And it wasn't one time.. it was nearly EVERY transition was this loud, obnoxious, often off beat scratch, leaving some party people stopping and staring like.. what the fuck are you doing? I even saw people stop their dancing to look up at him in confusion. LOL. Now im not the greatest DJ in the world, but I know how to EQ my shit, and know when to stop a transition.

I'm can't believe some losers can even get residencies. Fucking posers.