February 12, 2009

Karaoke for Cash

Karaoke for Cash Promo 02-03-09 from Edwin Tactay on Vimeo

This promo wasn't completely designed by me, my old boss Michael did the overall work, I just helped Stephanie patch it up a bit with some required elements. Mainly fonted her, added the logo in the corner (with all the animate in's during transitions) and I threw together the quick website fullscreen at the end.

The idea for this show is a pretty sweet concept, its a user generated content-based show. Which means ALL and i mean all the content will be produced by the viewers. Even the viewers decided what goes on the air with their votes. The show airs this month, and already there are tons of members on the site.

So If youre into karaoke or just making a mad fool of yourself, sign up for karaoke for cash and have your friends vote for you.. its ALL FREE.
