February 16, 2009

Mr. A to Z

Last Tuesday, Jayne and I attended the last minute Charity concert for Scott Russo lead singer of Unwritten Law, whose home burned down this passed Sunday. A few of the local bands came through, of course Unwritten Law, Switchfoot and Jason Mraz. I can't lie the only reason why we went was for Jason Mraz, since missing his last show at the Open Air Theater on Halloween, we thought it would be fun to catch him tonight.

Timmy Curran opened up the show, he's a fun act to watch, all acoustic set and with some songs featuring a harmonica or Cajon support. Great start to the show. The only gripe I had was alot of his songs sounded pretty much the same, i'm not sure if it was the "acoustic" version of each of his songs, but they all had pretty much the same chord progression and strumming, which got a bit old after the 5th song. But when he started having fun with other members on the stage he was able to breakout and jam out a sick blues solo.

Switchfoot was on next with their acoustic set, even though they still had a drummer and and electric bass. But they were also accompanied by 2 other band mates whose names i've alread forgotten, but one was a supporting guitar and the other a violinist. I've only sween switchfoot live one time back in god knows when.. but they sounded amazing! Jordan from New Found Glory came by to show love and did a Johnny Cash cover with the band, and they ended their set with "Meant to Live" and "Dare you to Move". Again.. sounded fantastic!

Jason Mraz is up.. but before they had a lil break with Analeea (spell?) I dunno, but she was this really shitty high pitched blonde chick with piss poor written songs where she would echo her words like "ma-ma-ma make me loooove you" like it sounded cute but really sounded like a chimp was getting the life squeezed out of her. She did 2 Songs of her own (both sucked) then when Mraz came out she felt the need to butcher the Colbie Callet part of "Lucky". (Thanks whore. =/ )

After the dead cat left the stage, Mraz played for the next hour and some minutes.. it was fantastic. Too bad (i estimated) 85% of the crowd was there only to hear "Lucky" and "I'm Yours". So I'm glad he played those 2 first, to get rid of all those bandwagon bitches. I was hoping for a few more fun songs, but he did song from the new album, which i'm not THAT much of a fan of, but when he started doing song from his older stuff, thats when the true fans came out.

"You and I" everyone knows, but its always fun getting into the crowd sing-a-longs with that song, he did "Unfold" but i wished it would have been "1000 things" instead. I do like he didnt do "Remedy", "Geek in the Pink" or "Wordplay", he did bring out the hardcore of fans by singing "Sleeping to Dream" (fuckin love this song). He ended his set off with "The Dynamo of Volition"

This is pretty much my favorite song on the entire new album. I think when he gets into the grooves like this, his scat lyricism and intricate guitar is when he's at his best, and he even ellaborated on the Karate Kid homage at the end.. "Youre the best... around! Nothings ever gonna keep you down" So sick. =)

I wish we heard more songs like that, "Doubling Back", "Common Pleasure", "Too much Food".. oh well thats what full concerts are for.. and I hope he goes on tour soon. By the way he also did "Butterfly" and if you haven't heard that song.. listen carefully. *wink*

After Jason, we took off.. I couldn't stand any longer.. plus there was only like 2 or 3 songs I wanted to hear from Unwritten Law.. and I didnt want to wait for them at all. LOL