February 16, 2009

Beer Tour!

We decided to get together for one of our weekends and have a World Beer Tour, the rule is simple, bring a beer (belgian preferred lol) that you would not normally drink, or would like to try. It was our ghetto wine tasting for us beer snobs.

Here is some of the beers that were on hand..

My contribution wa the Duvvel, a favorite amongst most of us.

Kwak, a dark amber with subtle hints of licorice.. dark beers aren't my bag, but it was decent for a dark belgian.
Hennepin, a saison with great golden color, aromatic and a sweet aftertaste, almost like a champaigne feel with out the gay flute.

Can't go wrong with a Saison. Light and hoppy.

Delirum Tremens.. Rob actually did have a Nocterm as a special guest.. Hoegaarden.. its just fun to say hoegaarden.. lol Hoegaarden is pretty much a blue moon, with a better name.. Leffe, is probably my new favorite default belgian beer, blue moon ONLY when I cant find anything better. I'd like to think of blue moon as my Plan B. (get it B for belgian. haha)

Affligem, this is a blonde pale ale.. this shit is strong, very hoppy, very clean after taste, which is good because I hate when the bitterness lingers for too long, it slows my appetite to take the next swig. But then again this is a tripel.. so two more glasses and you'll be feeling goooooood.

This was so much fun.. I think I want to host another one in the coming weeks.. There is still a huge belgian selection I have yet to try.. for christmas I bought Rob a Beers of the world book.. we decided to take this year to do them all. I think we knocked out quite a few here alone.

We had a few more beers, but by that time we weren't up to documenting all the beer.. lol.