February 16, 2009

Big Bang

I've been watching the second season of Big Bang Theory and I have to say it is seriously my newly found rib tickling sitcom. I find myself with shooting side pains of laughter at the overly geeky scientific video gamer humor through out the show.

The basics.. 4 Ultra Uber Science Friends, 2 roommates, 1 Exchange student and 1 who lives at home with mom, they all have PH.D's except Howard who only has a Masters but works with NASA, Sheldon who is the leader of the group, is a germaphobic obsessive compulsive habitual physicist , living with Leonard also a physicist who out of the 4 get the most dates than the others. And then there's Raj who is pretty much the Fez of the group. Just indian. And in the same complex they live across the hall from Penny, this aspiring actress who befriends them all, although she questions why sometimes. Plus its a hot girl living across the hall. =P

Punch after punch, if you claim to be a geek and watch this show and trying to figure out why a scene like this makes you laugh in uncontrollable hysteria.. then a geek you are my friend.

This scene is by far one of my favorites this season.. youtube has a CBS feature channel for this show, so i can get my BBT fix when I want LOL..

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock!

LOL "Paper disapproves Spock"

If you consider yourself a nerd, watch this show.. if you don't find it funny, you might just be more normal than you think.. LOL.

My honest opinion is that this show appeals to the uber elite nerd, the religious Attack of the Show viewer, the Pop Culture Whore, the comic book reader, the science junkie, the anime otaku... its a show for us.. by us.