February 20, 2009

Travelling Woes..

Ryan and I were trying to reroute our drive to paintball tomorrow because of the 215 sinkhole causing massive delays.. that plus the tons of people wanting to see fresh powder at Bear or Mountain high are gonna be stuck in that as well. We wanted to know exactly where the detour was, so I went to our site, because I made the map last night, and looked for the story.

On the top of our site, we have this breaking news script that stamps itself on all our pages if there is urgent news.. this morning it read: Evacuations and Flight Delays at Lindbergh Field.. which prompted me because Geoff, Rob, Kevin and Jimmy were at the airport today, for their flight to Denver.. i click the link and bam.. kevin on the phone in the images. LOL.. apparently Rob took the photos and they sent them into our assignment desk to post the story.

The funny part is.. this isnt the first time that this has happened to Geoff, he had an insane 15 some hour delay one time, waiting and waiting, and in the morning sees Jenny, who just got to the airport, and walked right into her flight. haha.. Remind me not to travel with Geoff.

By the way.. the evacuation was caused by.. Burnt Toast.

Reminds you of that Office episode where Ryan set off the smoke alarm and Dwight was singing.. "We didn't start the fire!" lol.. at least their trip is starting off with a story to tell... i guess we'll have ours after paintball tomorrow.