May 10, 2010

VLOG#1 - Nocturnal Emissions

This is my very first VLOG from my FlipCam...I apologize for how short this video is, I didnt record much, also I can't quite edit the MP4's from the FlipCam straight into Final Cut or Premiere, so I have to take a step and convert them, which doesnt really take long but adds an extra step to my process. (update: I actually can edit in MP4 now.. just had to update premiere.. i chose premiere cause its what I know well since I did 3 years of porn with it.. i can move bust out a video quicker than I can in FCP so I stuck with it..)

This short VLOG is from my Monthly Residency at AC Lounge in North Park, CA.. it was Cinco de Mayo and we had the locally famous Tabe Truck out serving tacos all night! Thanks Matt and Rich for both coming out!

There really wasnt much footage of inside of AC.. the lighting was pretty crappy so the shots I got and used were all that you saw in the video.. I promise i'll try and make a bit longer VLOGs as well as figure out a format as to how I want to VLOG about things.

Its a work in progress.. so we'll see how it goes from here.