June 1, 2010

VLOG#3 Renaissance Pleasure Faire

Every year I end up going to one of 2 Renaissance Faires.. either locally here in Escondido or we head up to Irwindale for the biggest faire on the west coast.

What better way to spend an afternoon in a park then to travel back to the Medieval Days? Great Food, Fun People.. this is one of my favorite time periods, which probably explains my fascination with Magic, wizards.. my love for Role Playing Games.. and The Lord of the Rings movies LOL

If you've never been to the faire, you should try it.. its one of those experiences that can't be replaced.. its probably the closest you'll ever get to time travel, (if the faire does it right, which Irwindale does) If you have been to one, Cheers, I hope you made it up to Irwindale this year.. it was much much larger this year than the previous years.

And to those who think it's Nerdy/Geeky, but go to Comic-Con and say you're "Geeking Out" you're just a bunch of fuckin posers...

"I'm a lion baby... rarrrwrrr!"