July 1, 2010

VLOG#5 The Comb-Over (Memorial Day)

Brandeezy aka DJ Kanye Asada has been having these Monthly Pool Parties at his Pad in similar to the "Do Over" in LA, a huge backyard boogie with awesome DJs, kick ass music and sweet comb-over do's... and chicks. LOL

Summer Day sounds provided by the All Things Rad Crew and the Mindzalike DJs along with some guest DJs rolling in.

This is the second installment in the summer series, and so far from the 2 events there are alot of booze, slapping of Julz back, diving competition, trick dive shots in basketball and people being thrown in the pool.. all good and with good people..

All video was shot by me, BTW my Flipcam's battery died so this was all the footage I had.. so i "borrowed" erp "used" Jomo's and Jay's (5andaDime) photos from their blogs to bring to life more of the event that didnt get covered through my Flip.

When's the next one Brandon??

BTW, this wasn't supposed to be my next VLOG, I had 2 more before this one to do HAHA.. but this was a quick one and the footage was a bit more interesting than some of the Vegas stuff.. but I'll be coming out with the Vegas 1 and Vegas 2 + AC Lounge VLOGS this week.
