June 18, 2011

Switchfoot on Fox5

Switchfoot came by to bless our studio once again. So I figured I'd give the video side of the D7000 a go and threw on my 85mm Lens to see what kinda footage I could get.

The footage is a bit shakey since I had to hold the camera with no steadypod AND manually focus the entire time, it actually picked up alot of my slight movements and when I actually made a big move.. it is very apparent.

But the footage still looks fantastic. This is untreated and unedited, straight from the file itself. The sound won't match the quality of the video only because when shooting with a DSLR you want to record external audio and sync up later in post. This was more of a test run for future shoots.. but I think it came out well.. just imagine having 2 or 3 cameras for different angles, and proper audio recording.. OMG.. might have to invest. =P

They are performing their hit single.. "Dare you to Move"

P.S. Set the quality to 1080p, Pause and let it load.. it looks amaze-balls.