June 16, 2011

a new LOVE for San Francisco - BLOG


My dear friend Andrea is getting married, and since I couldn't make it to Hawaii this year for the wedding, we tried several times to see if we can plan another trip before the wedding. Seattle also fell through so she had an idea to throw a Bridal Shower in the Bay. And i've been looking for another reason to go to the bay. And since I was one of a 2-3 guys invited I decided to take the weekend and head up.

Met up with my friend Ray (who is a limo driver, what better way to tour the city!) We had a few hours to kill so he took me for a little bit of sight seeing.. and took me to Twin Peaks with this amazing view of SF.

Afterwards he took me and his friend Don who was down from San Jose and has never been to SF, he took us to Ike's Place.. which part of my goal this weekend was to hit as many food joints on my list as possible.. and Ike's.. was number one. (if anyone knows me.. sandwiches are my weakness)

Had the Sanchez College Prep. It was Halal Chicken, BBQ and Cheddar. I actually didn't know they were Halal at Ike's. (Halal is to Middle eastern cuisine as Kosher is to Jewish Cuisine) I got it on toasted Sour Dough and a craft root beer. Its a 7 in my book, I'm a big deli style fan, so the hoagie style bun is cool but for it to hit 8-10 in my ranks.. its gotta be deli baby. Bomb ass sandwich from Ike's CHECK!

BTW.. this place is Man Vs Food Approved.

Later that night we met up with my good friend's Andrea and Maria at the Hong Kong Lounge on Geary, they had a nice little room with her friends at one table and another table dubbed the "Japanese" table which were her Family side. And as we already knew, I was the only guy invited LOL.

REAL Chinese Food. None of that Broccoli Beef junk. Scallops and Snow Peaks, Peking Duck, Garlic Lobster, Fried Pork, Crab Balls.. NOMZ

Hanging with the Bride to be.. Andrea =)

Ateh (Big Sister).. the beautiful Maria Arcega Dunn =P

After dinner we headed out to Mark Hopkins Hotel in downtown San Francisco  to the "Top of the Mark" which is like San Diego's "Top of the Hyatt" except much more fun.

Apparently the Giants won their game so we were able to see fireworks from AT&T park plus this amazing view of the city. It was just that extra cherry on top.

I gotta say.. the yuppies in downtown SF know how to have fun.. Getting down with the Black Eyed Peas!

And this old dude was tearing up the floor with his hottie young girlfriend.. or daughter?! Who cares he was gettin down on the floor son.

The late nighters! We stayed til they kicked us out of the club.. that's how we roll!

After seeing the downtown night life, and thinking 1 am wasn't late enough (lol).. I still wanted to head out somewhere, So Ray came and scooped us up and we did a late night run from San Fran to San Jose.. for another one of my food adventures.. all for.. La Victoria and their famous Orange Sauce.

An hour drive from San Francisco to San Jose all for this. I have had the sauce before so I already knew how it tasted. It was all about going to the original venue and trying it there.. The sauce was on point, BUT their burritos SUCK! Carne Asada was dry and stringy and the tortilla wasn't even put on the grill or even warmed up, so it was very doughy and felt like you were eating a taco bell burrito. Plus since La Vic's is near San Jose State (across the street) and a block away from the clubs and other late night food spots.. it was pretty packed full of drunks which was kind of annoying. Ah well.. Orange Sauce at La Vic's.. CHECK.

Late night adventuring still.. Ray was showing us throughout the city.. and we decided to go down the famous Lombard St. (famous for its 8 sharp one-way switchbacks it is dubbed the most crooked street in the world) So half way down it.. we decided to drive it backwards! HAHA. but we failed.

Next day met up with the Big Sisters again for some Dim Sum.. my first experience in SF (and I want more) with so many choices to choose from in SF, its always good to go by a recommendation. This one is Good Luck Dim Sum on Clement St (known as the "other" Chinatown). Dim Sum in SF Chinatown CHECK.

Also had a chance to visit (very briefly) Japantown.. and ZOMFG.. I wanna go back.. there were still some things I didn't get to check out.. AND there was a Tofu Festival going on in the square too! uugh.. next time! But we did find a booth that sold fresh Tai Yaki! no custard so I just went with Red Bean. And I picked up an Unagi Onigiri from the Nijiya market (they dont make that in SD)... Japanese Snacks in Japantown SF.. CHECK!

One of the spots I HAD to go to was Haight and Ashbury.. this strip has everything from Music, Art and Music.. And to a Graphic Designer who is a DJ.. a fucking candy store! There's so much history here and so much passion.

Had to stop by Stussy, True and Super7!  Didn't buy anything.. just stopped on by.

OMG OMG.. its Amoeba music! 24,000sq feet of Music, Vinyl, video games and more!

While on Clement St, I noticed a spot that caught my Food-dar and I had to try it.. it was called Pizza Orgasimica.. their sign said.. "We never fake it" LOLz.. how can you not try it? So the group of us went out and gave it a go.. they even craft their own beer.. We had the Pesto Basil and whole garlic Pizza. delish!

We spotted this Pho spot.. so we decided to rep the west and pay it some dues! LOL WESTSIDE for Cali-Pho-Nia!

Ray took us out again for more late-night tourism! So we hit up every bridge, the Richmond, Bay Bridge and Golden Gate bridge.. I'm sure it looks better during the day.. but I'll take night time!

We were lucky to have a pretty decent clear view of the city from Treasure Island.. which by the way is a pretty creepy island late night HAHA we swore we were in the beginning of a zombie movie and that any time the zombies would come out of the wood work to chase us LOL

We checked out the view of the city from Coit Tower.. there was this statue outside of the tower and I teased as I asked "who is superman here?" The base said "Discoverer of America" so I figured it was Amerigo Vespusci, but apparently it was Christopher Coloumbus.. i actually found that interesting, since I swore Amerigo was the one who discovered the americas.. (history buffs correct me?)

Next morning one of the Roommates was making a lil bit of breakfast.. at first as we chatted it up it looked like he was making some eggs and a bagel.. but as he continued on.. it got a lot more "interesting" to say the least LOL.

He stacked the 2 eggs AFTER putting a different type of cheese on them and using a spinach dip spread on the bagel and then saucing it up with some Sirachi sauce.. whoa.. this was a total college food idea hahah.. and here I thought the french were healthier than us HAHA.

Yes, he is french. His name is Mattieu, and this, is his crazy ass sandwich. That was my favorite food bits of the entire trip LOL

So on my last day, I met up with some friends from San Diego who live up in SF now and we headed out to the Haight Street Music Festival.. and OMG.. it was amaze-balls. I said I wanted to experience music on Haight.. i just didn't think it would be one of the largest music street festivals in the west coast! Look at the sea of people!

Of course we went there to support Mae's roommate's band Le Vice.. here's about 10 minutes of their set..

Sean of La Vice.

Alex of La Vice.

Alas, the trip had to end.. I didn't get to see much else of the other bands playing the event since I had to run to the airport and catch my flight, but looking back, I did cover alot of what I wanted to see and do in the Bay and then some! I will definitely be back.. and probably often. I LOVE... LOOOOOVE San Francisco.